Application Saaremaa


Before submitting your application, please read the terms and conditions of the Statutes of the Film Fund of Estonian Islands.

Please send you digitally signed application to

Response to each application will be made within 30 days.

It is mandatory to add the logo of the Film Fund of Estonian Islands to the titles of the supported work.

In case of a film project, the application requires:

  1. simple signed application and its appendixes:
  2. the synopsis of the work;
  3. the script of the work:
  4. the expanded treatment of the work;
  5. the schedule of the production of the work;
  6. the production team with key (creative) persons’ CVs;
  7. the schedule of the distribution of the work;
  8. the overview of activities carried out in Saare County;
  9. information about the production company, including a review of earlier works;
  10. the budget of the film project and the financing plan;
  11. the amount of support applicable from the Film Fund of Estonian Islands;
  12. the estimated summary of expenditure made in Saare County;
  13. approved financing is confirmed by contracts and letters of intent;
  14. any other additional information the applicant deems necessary.

In case of a film and media literacy teaching project, the application requires:

  1. summarising description of the educational activity/activities;
  2. extended treatment of educational activity/activities together with target groups;
  3. the schedule of the performance of educational activity/activities;
  4. the organisational team of educational activities together with key (creative) persons’ CVs;
  5. the plan for the distribution of A/V media work prepared during the educational activity/activities;
  6. the overview of activities performed in Saare County together with the schedule;
  7. information about the organisation which organises and coordinates the project; including a review of earlier projects;
  8. the budget of the film and the media literacy teaching project and the financing plan;
  9. the amount of support applicable from the Film Fund of Estonian Islands;
  10. the estimated summary of expenditure made in Saare County;
  11. the allocated grant is confirmed by concluded contracts and letters of intent;
  12. other additional information the applicant deems necessary to be added.
Statutes of the Film Fund of Estonian Islands Film Fund of Estonian Islands logo

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SA Saare Arenduskeskus
+372 452 0570 - Saaremaa info. Sündmused, töökuulutused, kinnisvara Saaremaal
Saaremaa Arenduskeskus
Saaremaa Vald
Rahastanud Euroopa Liit
Regionaalarengu toetuseks
Regionaalarengu fond
Leader Eesti